Typesetting technology


The term "typesetting technique" includes in a broader sense:
- The manual type setting from around 1440 (invention of Gutenberg with
   the movable metal letters sorted in the type case; a lead-tin-antimony alloy)
- The machine type setting from around 1900 (sentence lines cast in lead
   (monotype / Linotype)
- Phototypesetting from around 1950 (copying individual characters with light
   through a template on photo material)
and finally
- The Phototypesetting by CRT from 1965, the technology invented by Hell,
  to complete
   to expose newspaper pages (incl. pictures) fully electronically to photo material.


Dr. Hell used the expression "filmsetting", however, later the common wording
changed to "phototypesetting".
From lead typesetting to light typesetting
from „für uns alle" ; issue No. 24/ March 1974   ; German
The typesetting system developed by Hell consists of the input devices for capturing
text, symbols and layout, the typesetting computer, which sends all the data necessary
for the exposure of the film to the
        Heart of the Hell invention, the Digiset
(Exposure with CRT picture tube or laser).


The final product is a film, the complete "final page", which is copied onto the printing plate.

The Digiset- develpoment: time table of the first Digisets   (German)

Digiset photo typesetting system: A 10-year review
(Klischograph 1976)
A look back at the development of Hell's typesetting software
(from 1964 to1977 ; author Mr. Mebes)

An overview about the phototypesetting development at the Hell company


The general workflow

Digiset Arbeitsfluss


  Typesetting computer

Articles about the phototypesetting system  DIGISET:

I.a.: Typical workflow of lead typesetting using punched tapes
Digiset: Eigenschaften und Einsatzgebiete               Deutscher Drucker ; 1973
Digitaler Lichtsatz in der Praxis                                   From: „für uns alle" ; Nr. 26, November 1974
Unsere Lichtsetzanlagen Digiset im Einsatz            From für uns alle" ; Nr. 28, März 1975
Die Entwicklung der satztechnischen Software        A review (Mr. Zeyen)
Erstellung einer Seite mit Digiset 400 T 20                By courtesy of the publisher
A complete work flow at company Hallwag; 1977             „Hallwag Kümmerly+Frey AG", Schweiz
Typography: die Hell-Schriftenbibliothek 1989         This includes over 1400 different typefaces