The ceremonial magazine for
the inauguration of the new house
in Berlin,1932
German, file size: 22 Mbyte
The work rules, an agreement between
Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell
the works council, 1959
German, file size: 2,2 Mbyte
Conversion of the company from a
limited partnership (KG)
to a
limited liability company (GmbH)
Out of: "für uns alle" , 1971
German, file size: 640 Kbyte
Hell in Dietrichsdorf A brief look back at the structure of the company Dr. Hell in Dietrichsdorfs with the accompanying rapid product development.ung. German, file size: 740 Kbyte
Chronik der Firma Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell GmbH
From 1976 this chronicle was written by the Hell employee Mr. H. Mebes on behalf of Mr. Taudt, however, for unknown reasons, never completed.
Foreword and table of contents of this chronicle
The table of contents includes the links to the nine chapters of the chronicle
Laboratory notes from the early days of
scanner development in the years
1958 to 1966
Ein winziger Lichtpunkt setzt Marksteine und Maßstäbe
A tiny point of light sets milestones and standards
Five Decades Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell's inventions
Polygraph special imprint 1979 German ; 16 pages : file size 5,5 MByte
Auf den Punkt gebracht
150 Jahre Heidelberg, Standort Kiel
An overview of the life of Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell and a foray through all technical developments of our company.
Mr. C.Onnasch, Kiel 2000
(Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG)
German, file size: 2,6 MByte
The founding of the company
Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell in Kiel, 1947
Interview between Mr. Sütel and
Mr. C.Onnasch, 2001
German, file size: 210 Kbyte
Rudolf Hell zum 100. Geburtstag
(Rudolf Hell's 100th birthday)
The career of Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell
and the development of his company
Mr. B. Schreier; 2001
(Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG)
German, file size: 1,1 MByte
Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Hell,
der Jahrhundert- Ingenieur
A very detailed essay on Dr. Hell and all
development branches of the company.
Herr B.Fuchs and Herr C. Onnasch; 2005
German, file size: 10,8 Mbyte