Exhibition at the vocational school for media and printing technology at the RBZ Walther-Lehmkuhl-Schule in Neumünster
from 6th of June to 15th of June 2016
After the Annual General Meeting in March, Mr. Kusterka, Head of LBS Media and Printing Technology and member of our association proposed to hold an equipment exhibition at the RBZ Walther-Lehmkuhl-Schule. At this school, about 280 students are prepared for the profession of media and web design and printing technology in three training years. The idea and the motto of this exhibition is to explain to the students the roots of their current technical design and production possibilities on the basis of the various Hell device generations. For this purpose, we have set up the most important representatives of these types of devices - from the Morse device, to the Hellschreiber, fax machines and scanners in the foyer of the school. We are already demonstrating some of these devices in full function.
The Flyer, made by the students oft he WLS The simplicity of the data (at first only Morse code) up to the complex data formats, the in former times substantial expenditure of material and the ever increasing portion of electronics and software, the development expenditure and the genius behind it of the respective equipment generations become very conscious to the pupils with this one-hour demonstration... Participants: In the week from the 6th to the 10th of June:
60 pupils of the first year of study
12 students of the vocational high school
In the week from the 20th to the 24th of June:
26 pupils of the second year
31students of the vocational high school
In the week from the 27th of June to the 2nd of July:
23 pupils of the second year
12 students of the vocational high school
In the week from the 5th of July to the 9th of July:
22 pupils of the first year of apprenticeship
Thanksgiving: We would like to thank Mr Wilfried Kusterka, Head of LBS Media and Printing Technology at the RBZ Walther-Lehmkuhl-Schule, who made our exhibition possible.
The former Hell employees Wolfgang Rabe, Rainer Schielke, Ralf Tiede and our association members Ernst-Ludwig Christall, Andreas Müller contributed to the success with their powerful assistance. Our very special thanks also go to the students for their interest in the technology and the attention given to us. |
Impressions from the exhibition
The installation work on 2nd of June 2016
The exhibition in the foyer | |