Scanner C 299 - C 399 - CP 340/345 - DC 350 - DC 380 |
With the development of the Chromagraph C299 scanner in 1977, as an entry-level model, microprocessor technology with the Intel 8080 processor was used for the first time on a large scale in Hell's products.
The processor is responsible for the machine control and the calculation of the correct film exposure. (Film linearization) Another essential feature is the lack of a film cassette: the entire device (or just the film exposure cabinet) must be installed within a dark room. However, the color calculator is still based on analog technology. As with all previous models, the exposure speed of these devices is 10m / sec. Other variants such as:C 299L; C 399; C 399 L will later be equipped with a laser exposure unit and electronic screening. |
Chromagraph C 299
The CP 340 and CP 345 scanners represent the so called "poster" scanners with a development history similar to that of the C 299 / C399 in terms of device control, screening technology and system connection. This type of device can scan much larger originals and expose films the size of a poster. The writing format of the CP 340 is 110 x 128.5 cm |
Chromagraph CP 340
While the mechanics of the DC 350 is based on the more than 1000 times proved
DC 300 B
(the workhorse of repro technology)
the electronics are adapted to the state of the art in several steps. Also to be mentioned here:- digital machine control - digital screen calculator with rational; irrational and special screenings - ChromaCom system connection |
Chromagraph DC 350
The latest version of this machine series are the DC 380 T and the CP 354T, equipped with a digital color calculator and the possibility of a system connection. This means that these devices can be used both as system scanners and system recorders. |
Chromagraph DC 380T
(Klischograph1978 ; German)
(1982 ; German)
(1984 ; German)
(1982 ; German)
(1984 ; German)
(1984 ; German)
(1981 ; English)
(1986 ; German)
(1989 ; German)
(1992 ; German)